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Business Management Vs  Accounting

Business Management Vs Accounting

March 10, 2021
Bill Kimball

If you’re thinking that’s a lot of information to consider, you’re right. Making a career choice is never easy, but knowing the facts can help narrow down your choices. Regardless of how you do it, there are plenty of options available to you in both business and accounting. Now that you know some of the top job titles for …

Business Report Example

Business Report Example

March 10, 2021
Bill Kimball

In this report, recommendations are made to minimize the high turnover rate among the staff working at GHS Corporation. One way of making the findings easier to read is by using headings, subheadings and numbered sections to organize everything. You can choose to present your findings in bullet points or with the help of a table. You might …

A Time To Grow Lent 2021 Devotional

A Time To Grow Lent 2021 Devotional

March 10, 2021
Bill Kimball

God calls believers to a higher standard. God calls believers to not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of their minds. Are you living just like the world lives? I’m not talking about Sunday, but Monday through Saturday; do you live pretty much like your unbelieving friends and neighbors live?
By a gratuitous …

Easily Forecast And Fund Cash Flow Gaps

Easily Forecast And Fund Cash Flow Gaps

March 9, 2021
Bill Kimball

If you have a high level of interest in buying the business, then you’ll typically request additional information to help you make a decision. This includes documentation like its historical financial statements.
If the interest you are paying is too low, the IRS will tax them at this imputed level. Most HELOCs have a draw period of up …

The Elevator Speech

The Elevator Speech

March 9, 2021
Bill Kimball

For example, I recently heard an insurance agent say, “We insure your auto, car, home, life, …” Well, I heard part of it. She listed a dozen more things – the kitchen sink may have been in there – and I bet some of those services haven’t been sold in years. An elevator speech is that short and sweet 30-second answer to the …