Bill Kimball

Bill Kimball
Bill Kimball has over thirteen years of experience in public accounting and provides audit and assurance services to both public and private businesses in a variety of industries including petrochemical, healthcare, hospitality, restaurants, not-for-profit, settlement trusts and employee benefit plans.
Increase Manufacturing Capacity In Times Of Crisis With Lean Principles

Increase Manufacturing Capacity In Times Of Crisis With Lean Principles

October 6, 2023

It represents manufacturing only good parts, as fast as possible, with no down time, around the clock (24/7).
By having such a common understanding, the decision makers can help provide focus on the improvement activities the capacity planners should undertake. It is always difficult to raise the capital which you think is good enough to …

In Between Stimulus Payments, Retail Sales Decline

In Between Stimulus Payments, Retail Sales Decline

October 6, 2023

Employees must be happy and comfortable in their working areas, otherwise it will hinder productivity which, in turn, impacts your sales performance. “Even though Covid-19 is playing its role in making consumers less reluctant to spend, a big factor is prices,” said Beth Ann Bovino, the U.S. chief economist at S&P Global. …

How To Prepare A Cash Flow Statement Model That Balances

How To Prepare A Cash Flow Statement Model That Balances

October 6, 2023

In fact, a 401 plan in combination with a Cash Balance Plan can be the ideal plan-design for many companies and partnerships. A Cash Balance plan is a type of retirement plan that belongs to the same general class of plans known as “Qualified Plans.” A 401 is a qualified plan.
The P&L and balance sheet are interconnected via …

Regressive Vs  Proportional Vs Progressive Taxes

Regressive Vs Proportional Vs Progressive Taxes

October 6, 2023

The laddering of income taxes conforms to the underlying definition of vertical equity, as those who have a greater ability to pay tax, pay a higher proportion of their income. A proportional tax, also known as a flat tax, is a type of tax system that levies the same tax rate on everyone, no matter their income level. This system is in …

How To Reduce The Bullwhip Effect

How To Reduce The Bullwhip Effect

October 5, 2023

It makes communication easier, and also leaves less space for the reverberations of a decision to amplify through the chain. Consistently re-evaluate the amounts of safety inventory you have, as well as your minimum and maximum inventories. Use regular reporting and early warning systems to help evaluate these factors, and base the amounts …

How Workplace Simplicity Impacts Company Results

How Workplace Simplicity Impacts Company Results

October 5, 2023

While none of the elements of simplification are particularly surprising by themselves, countering complexity requires integrating them into a multidimensional strategy. Though the elements each directly address one source of complexity, applying them separately may actually worsen the problem. One-off efforts may interrupt established …